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Goyetche Cellular Response Therapy

​Schedule a Biochemical Tissue Salt Facial Analysis

Cell Nutrition

Biochemical Cell Salts were developed by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler, a German Doctor from the 19th century. Tissue salts are made from the minerals that come from soil and rock.

There are trillions of powerhouse cells in our body, (e.g., stem cells, bone cells, blood cells, skin cells etc). They are the foundation of health, with specific functions in the body’s vital/life force process. They work synergistically directly or indirectly, and the strength of our vital force is determined by the strength and vitality of the cells in our body. They rely on their communication network, and if not fully nourished, the system breaks down no longer functioning as a unit.

We need to nourish our cells with all the micro minerals that we would generally get from food. Unfortunately that is not always the case today as our over farmed and polluted soils have become demineralized leaving the human race deficient in the very minerals that make up the tissues, organs glands and composition of the human body

Tissue salts are composed of the micro minerals each cell requires in small safe doses to stimulate the natural healing process and satisfy mineral imbalances.

We have two reservoirs of minerals in our body, one to use on a daily basis, and one for more emergency situations. When we deplete these reservoirs, becoming deficient in minerals, this condition is reflected and detectable on our face. When our local reservoirs are depleted, we draw from our deepest wells.

A tissue salt facial analysis, established by Dr. Kickethier, interprets primarily the following part of our face or head: skin, eyes, eyebrows, temples, cheeks, nose ears lips and teeth.


Facial Analysis

“Read in your face what you and your loved ones are missing.” — Kurt Hickethier

A full facial analysis helps determine micro-mineral tissue salt imbalances



Fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, skin/sun spots, skin texture, colors of the whites our our eyes and more is our body’s way of communicating to us that there is an imbalance.

A facial analysis analysis using a complete picture to determine what formula(s) or possible health imbalances you may be experiencing




Note: Heartstone Homeopathy and Heilkunst also provides treatment for acute and chronic health conditions. A facial analysis is included with the homeopathic treatment protocol.

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